ADSP of Stretto Three-Year Operational Plan
The Three-Year Operational Plan (P.O.T) is approved by the committee within ninety days of its establishment, on the proposal of the president, and is subject to annual review, concerning the development strategies of port activities and interventions aimed at guaranteeing compliance with the set objectives.
The Three-Year Operational Plan 2020/2022 of the Port System Authority of Stretto includes among the interventions the works started and not yet completed, those financed with the relative variants suggested by the updating of the port needs and the new interventions in descending order of priority according to the lines of development deriving from the port planning tools being developed.
- POT 2024_2026 (4 MB) 28.07.2023
- Autorità di Sistema Portuale dello Stretto - Piano Operativo Triennale 2024-2026 (4 MB) 28.07.2023
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