President’s Annual Report
The Port Committee approves the annual report on the promotional, organizational and operational activities of the port, on the management of services of general interest and on the maintenance of the common parts in the port area, as well as on the administration of the areas and assets of the maritime state property. in the territorial district of the port authority, to be sent by 30 April of the following year to the Ministry of Transport and Navigation.
The Annual Report concerns:
- Organizational aspects
- Port operations, planning and development activities
- Promotional activity
- Concession to port companies of state-owned areas for the business-privatization of port operations
- Services of general interest
- Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of port works – major infrastructure works
- Management of the maritime domain.
- relazione annuale presidente 2020 (3 MB) 03.08.2021
- Relazione annuale 2021 (1) (2 MB) 02.05.2023
- Relazione annuale del Presidente anno 2022 (814 kB) 03.05.2023
- Relazione annuale Commissario straordinario AdSP Stretto 2023 (820 kB) 02.05.2024
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